Well family, this week I sent home my companion just an hour
ago. That was weird. It's crazy how fast time goes by on your mission!!! I'm
sure he won't forget me singing all my goodbye songs to him on his last night with
me! We had alot of good times, and possibly more to come.. ? I'm staying in
Springfield for another 6 weeks. :) Hope I'll stay for Christmas too. I'd love to
have both of my Christmases here! :) This week we said tons of goodbyes. Got tons of rain over
Halloween weekend, but that's ok cause we cant trick or treat as
missionaries. Our investigators went all out for sending my companion
home. They fed us Crab, Shrimp, Scallops, and Steak ha ha! I was so full. It was
also weird on Halloween to think its been a whole year since I met B.Robb and
came to Springfield! The Bishop asked me to give a talk this coming Sunday, so pray
for me that my talk may write itself haha! Because I don't have the time to.
:) This whole not having a companion for 2 days is already weird. Im having
Springfield 2nd stay the night at the guest home and they will drive me
everywhere but I don't know how we will keep both areas going for the 2
days. It's kinda hard but we will figure it out.
Last week we taught Jessica, a new investigator that's way
nice. She is the younger sister off Rachael, who bailed on our 2 o-clock ha ha!
But she is awesome too. Her questions are super great and she is sincere. The hardest part has been trying to get her to church. She is way busy with
school and she is 21 lol. Not many 21 year-olds care too much for Sunday
activities that don't involve football, movies, camping or anything else you
would do on a Saturday. We're working on it tho ! We will be teaching her the
Plan of Salvation this Thursday at 2. Hope they both show up!
We have so many investigators that are right on the edge of
getting baptized. I hope we can get it before the end on the year. It's getting
close! My new Companion is Elder Boren. He was just in Columbia and he is an
awesome missionary. He will be what gives those investigators that final push I
think! I can't wait to get my teach on with him. We be dunkin out here! I love
you family. Hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween!
Love Elder Christensen
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